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When 41 nights feels like a week!

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Quotient is by far my favourite clinic

Hiya, my name is Murray, I am 36 years old & from Scotland.

I enjoy sport, cars, cinema and eating out in restaurants – all the great things in life that don’t come for free. I registered with Quotient after searching clinical trials online - many of my friends have done them before and it seemed like great money for a week away from the everyday grind, plus I will be helping better the lives of others.

Although Quotient is by far my favourite clinic, I must admit I have done trials in Edinburgh (the drive is so much closer for me!) Dundee & Leeds.

Quotient has great onsite free parking, 6 roomy lounges and a menu to choose your homecooked meals from - not all units can brag about that. They also have a great laundry service for those volunteers on a longer study, which was much needed on the 41 nigher that I have just completed. All our laundry was taken individually, washed, and dried before being delivered back to our beds the very next day (I don’t even get that back home). I know this is not available for shorter studies, but when you are there for a longer time, it really makes a difference.

I do enjoy the trials and love meeting new people whilst catching up with old friends too.
Another bonus is helping to develop new medicine for the future - this is a huge thing for me and I’m so proud to be a part of this positive movement of change.

I intend to spend the inconvenience allowance on a holidays, since we have been unable to get away for a few years I am really looking forward to having a wonderful long trip. 

The food at Qutoient is decent, with the evening meals being my favourite. You never go hungry with the portions being more than enough and I have always gone to bed feeling full.

 If you ever have any concerns or feedback, it is dealt with quickly as they have a Volunteer Liaison Officer whose role is to ensure the volunteers have the best experiences; she does an amazing job by keeping us all entertained and deals with our feedback promptly and efficiently. We play fun games such as bingo, quizzes and killer pool if it fits in with our dosing and procedures  – this is particular the favourite of mine and it really does feel like Quotient have got it all covered.

Recently, I have recommended a few of my friends to take part in clinical trials with Quotient and it’s always nice to receive a little extra payment for the Recommend a friend scheme. There’s no limit to the number of people you can refer and when I meet new people it’s one of the first things I talk about.

I have made some wonderful friends, old and new, and have stayed in contact with many of them. Sometimes we end up on the same study, so it’s always nice to see a familiar face and catch up like no time has passed. I am so proud of the work I do with Quotient; it honestly feels like a community of friends.

If reading this makes you want to find out more – please visit I may even  see you at killer pool next time round!

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