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Nigel, UK

Volunteer yourself for a little luxury

Close up photo of a man with a brown and white dog sitting next to him

After retiring from his busy working life, Nigel found himself with more flexibility to volunteer in clinical trials at Quotient Sciences

I am 57 and now fully retired from my very busy working life. 

As a result, I now have the flexibility and time to volunteer in clinical trials at Quotient… 57 is the new 27!

A work colleague told me about Quotient around 10 years ago. At the time, I was living alone and had lots of ‘time off’ owed to me by my employer. I used the time to attend a clinical trial (20 night stay plus return visits);  and thus began my volunteering journey. I had always intended to do more studies but just never had the available time while I was still in full time employment. Therefore, once the clock had stopped ticking on my work life – I was able to take full advantage of volunteering with Quotient.

I have not done any studies elsewhere – I do not intend to either. I only live 30 minutes’ drive from the clinic, and therefore it is very convenient for me to stay with Quotient.

Why do I take part in clinical trials you may ask…?

For me are the allowances I receive for taking part, top up my pension; I also use the payments to put towards holidays and mini breaks - although I would use it for any luxury treat.

I have recommended Quotient to a number of friends - I am a great advert for doing Quotient’s studies! With a busy social life, walking, bike riding and doing my bit for charity I always find the time to take part in trials and enjoy the guilt free time off!

I have gained so much more whilst volunteering at Quotient. On my last trial earlier this year, I got on very well with another volunteer and we have kept in touch and meet up for coffee when in each other’s locality. We found we had lots in common and really enjoyed each other’s company. Quotient have built a community of like-minded volunteers who ultimately feel strongly about knowing that what we are doing, is contributing to helping our future selves

I do not hide my volunteering from anyone; I do not see any stigma in attending the trials - we need more people volunteering in order to continue making therapy breakthroughs. I feel proud to have played a small part in these discoveries.

A huge part of staying at Quotient is the food. The meals are fine - certainly more than adequate with a great choice of fresh home cooked meals.

The clinic staff do everything possible to help us occupy our time by organising quiz and bingo sessions & new games for the Xbox– these are perfect and a great welcome break in the week.

With a washout period of 3 months, I am happy to wait to see what studies best suit my life’s calendar. I cannot wait to get back to Quotient to try out their summer menu and to meet some new friends. Maybe see you there….

Ready to take part in a trial?
Apply today! Simply complete the online application form to become a volunteer.