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Helen, UK

Since signing up for a clinical study I do feel like a hero

Photo of a white vehicle with driving instructor yellow signage on roof and door

Helen qualified as a driving instructor last year

At 52, single with a young family to inspire I didn’t have a clue how I was going to fulfil my dreams and ambitions of being a driving instructor.

Lucky for me a friend recommend signing up to do a study at Quotient Sciences and I haven’t looked back!

I had no idea what to expect and as I wondered through the wards of the clinic in my bright orange polo shirt, I asked myself ‘what the heck am I doing here - missing my daughter’s prom for this?’ This was to be the first of some big events in my family’s life that I would miss due to the commitments of a clinical trial.

But, as I went on my Quotient Sciences journey missing birthdays and hair appointments, I gained so much more.

I was able to stand on my own two feet financially, showing the girls that you can be an independent woman and have it all. My inconvenience allowance also helped me book holidays in Spain this year to catch up with family!

As I qualified as a driving instructor last year, I realised that it was all down to the handful of studies that I carefully chose to take part in at Quotient Sciences.

The time spent here has definitely been worth it – with me teaching my daughter how to drive it has given us some really precious times together.

From screening, admission, dosing and discharge, I do feel like a hero. All the initial health checks are a welcome addition to my busy life, and while most women my age aren’t as healthy as me, I feel lucky to be able to take part in these studies.

With the hustle and bustle of WhatsApp groups and Facebook events, I welcome the guilt free time I spend in the clinic. Quiz, bingo and crafting sessions are a welcome addition and help pass the time. We have had some really fun sessions and I have made some really good lifelong friends.

With a new year and resolutions already broken – the food here is very hearty – no small portions. There isn’t a chance of dodging the cornflake tart with custard – or jam sponge puddings (sorry not sorry for licking the bowl). I feel I can indulge in my favourite box sets and take advantage of the three meals that are freshly prepared, cooked and delivered to the ward daily. No house chores, no meetings, just time spent thinking how I am going to spend my allowance.

It’s a really rewarding thing to do and while money is my driving factor, I do feel good for doing good. If you want to do something new and exciting this year – do a study with Quotient Sciences! You definitely won’t regret it.

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