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Dan Boddington, Nottingham

To me, clinical trials are a place to not only make friends for life but also to de-stress from the chaos that is life.

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Quotient has a great community of regular and new volunteers and good activities to keep to you entertained.

To me, clinical trials are a place to not only make friends for life but also to de-stress from the chaos that is life.
To kick back and eat their flaming fish burgers whilst thinking about nothing but when you'll next get your next flaming fish burger. 

Quotient Sciences has been instrumental in helping me realise my plans for future chapters through meeting the right people, having the right conversations and even committing to starting a business with my fellow comrades... all whilst strolling through the local nature and thinking deeply about flaming fish burgers.

In other words, it's hard to find the chance to be  up close with 10 other people for a month with no clear objective. And with this comes some interesting creativity which, for many, normal life doesn't usually allow for.
With lots of time to think and slow down, new hobbies may be adopted, deeper conversations may be had, new neural pathways may be formed, more reflection, more feedback on your ideas.

Quotient has a great community of regular and new volunteers and good activities to keep to you entertained. Walks in the park when the study allows, quizzes, bingo, a lounge area with tv's, games consoles, table tennis, pool and an outside area to gently walk around if you don't want your exercise dropping too low.

Ultimately, it's: being fed, good people, no time spent doing laundry or dishes and no money being wasted.

It’s a real no brainer!

If you like me like fish burgers – click and join an amazing team of volunteers.

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