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Volunteer, UK

I’ve made some amazing friends, it’s very much a volunteering community at Quotient Sciences.

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I’ve made so many amazing friends at Quotient Sciences!

When I thought about sharing my journey at Quotient Sciences in a blog, I was a little hesitant - would people relate, could people understand why I voluntarily enter an actual clinic with a clean bill of health? But as I currently reside on my bed in clinic, in Quotient Sciences' ultra-professional unit, while in my third year of doing studies at Quotient Sciences, I thought let’s give this a go!

I’ve been bitten by the travel bug and want to visit many places and see different cultures. I like my sports and music, especially Leeds United - but don’t hold that against me. I spent 2 years travelling in Australia where I first encountered clinical trials – so when I returned to England, I got online and found Quotient Sciences.

I have been a volunteer at Quotient Sciences for 2 years now and highly recommend it. I had previously taken part in clinical trials whilst living in Australia and then some inductions and screening in the U.K - but once I visited the clinic in Nottingham, I haven’t wanted to go anywhere else.

‘Why do you take part in them?’ most of my non volunteering mates ask. The main reason is the money of course and it helps me pursue my dreams in a way that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to working full-time.

Importantly, it’s also great that I can help contribute to medical science, giving back to the world and help changing it for the future.
Lastly, it sometimes feels like a little getaway from mundane life - albeit I’d prefer a beach and some - but it’s nice to have a little break from everyday life.

I’ve also made some amazing friends – people who have genuinely inspired me to travel, to seek new experiences, it’s very much a volunteering community at Quotient Sciences.

I have recommended Quotient Sciences to a couple of friends as we talk about what the work they do all the time and once they are on the panel, I have been paid just for recommending which is a win, win, as I also see my friends while on a study!

Telling people that I volunteer with Quotient Sciences isn’t an issue for me, I am always on their social media pages and ‘check in’ online whenever I am there.

Dosing for me is a small part of the clinical trial experience. For me,  the food here is the main reason I pick Quotient Sciences over the other clinical trials - the food makes it so much easier.

The second reason is the staff, as they always make you feel welcome and not just a number.

As I mentioned, the trial drug is only a small part of my days at Quotient Sciences, if I need to study they have great WIFI so I can take my laptop and get my head down but also it’s a great place to socialise with other volunteers. The Volunteer Liaison Officer and Recruitment staff always look after us whilst we are on a study, with plenty to do to spend my time, whether it’s playing X-box, watching movies or reading books.

Picking a study to fit in with our lifestyles can be difficult for some, however thankfully for me, I have a very understanding boss. If you plan it right, it can fit perfectly into your schedule and you can still maintain a full-time job!

Clinical trials help save lives, but it has given me the ability to live my life to be the best it can be – thank you all at Quotient Sciences.

Click to see how volunteering could change your life too!

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