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Jamie, UK

It's mad how excited I get for doing clinical trials!

Man and 2 children smiling into camera, taking a selfie.

It's mad how excited I get for doing clinical trials!

Hi, I'm Jamie, and I have been doing Quotient Sciences’ clinical trials for the past 4 years now.

What got me started doing trials at Quotient Sciences? Well, I was actually sat in a bar down on the beach in Cambodia a few years ago and I got chatting to a man I had recently become friends with. He was telling me all about how he could receive payments for taking part in clinical trials - which sounded great - it was something that I had previously been curious about but never knew anyone that had ever done it or how to get involved.

When I got home later that year, the conversation I had with my friend popped back into my head and I searched online looking for 'Medical Trials' and came across Quotient Sciences.
I applied, attended an induction and after completion was given the details of the available trials - and I signed up to one; the whole process being pleasantly simple.

I'm self-employed, so taking the time off work is never an issue for me and so I do tend to choose the longer residency trials. Once the trial is finished and I've completed my last appointment, it's not long before the inconvenience allowance is in the bank and I make sure it goes straight into my savings.

I love doing trails at Quotient Sciences - it's a great way to meet new and interesting people. I've made lots of friends there, the staff are great and attentive. With me having quite a physical job, it's nice to be able to chill out, relax and still get paid for my time.

The food is always great, and I always get excited about filling out my personal menu with what food I want; the homemade pies are one of my favourite!

During the trials, once the busier first day or two after dosing are over, you often get a lot of free time. This is good, as it gives me a bit of 'me' time where I can entertain myself with my laptop using the free WiFi - whether I'm translating Asian songs into English, watching Netflix or surfing the net, I rarely get bored.

The clinics have great lounges where you can watch Sky TV, movies or play pool/darts/Xbox etc.
Me and a few lads even spent a few days completing "the hardest puzzle in the world" on my last study.
My favourite days are definitely when the Volunteer liaison officer comes around to do quizzes and bingo, where there are prizes to be won!

When I tell my friends and family about the trials I’ve taken part in, at first they think I am mad as they usually have the wrong impression of what actually goes on at the clinic, and then become envious when I tell them how much I get paid for taking part in them whilst helping develop new medicines too.

I'd encourage anyone who is unsure about what's involved to apply and book in for an induction and tour of the clinic - I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised!

Ready to take part in a trial?
Apply today! Simply complete the online application form to become a volunteer.