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I enjoy the benefits that being a volunteer at Quotient gives me!

Volunteers blog

Quotient have your health and safety at the forefront as always.

Taking early retirement as my hubby had finished work, I wanted to have a little of " my own money ". I am sure you know what I mean ladies - hubby would give me his last penny, but as daft as it sounds, I wanted to say his birthday gift was to be from me!

I was a little worried, I must confess, about attending during Covid times but there was no need to be at all. As usual, Quotient have your health and safety at the forefront as always.
I had done a trial previously and my very first trial was one developing a potential new medicine for breast cancer. With my mum and sister both having had this, it meant a lot to me knowing you have helped, if even in a small way. But as life gets in the way – Quotient appeared less on my to do list! Then a page popped up on my Facebook from Quotient, one click, I had a look at the current trials available, it was as simple as that.

Although things had changed since I’d been in the unit pre Covid, I felt 100% safe and well looked after, there was no safer place to be. Now with things changing, bingo is back – the quiz events are something we can look forward to with prizes! Oh I am so glad I did it.

I completed a trial towards the end of 2021. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed the company of other ladies (and gents too) in a friendly safe environment with my expectations blown away – it was the break I wanted and didn’t even know I needed.
I really enjoyed my stay. All the staff were honestly fabulous, not just the amazing doctors and nurses, but the friendly cleaners and support staff in other departments. Not forgetting the brilliant catering staff who provided some delicious meals - always tastes better when someone else makes something for you - and no dishes to wash! The puddings were such a treat and very yummy.
So, if you are thinking of doing a trial for the 1st time, go for it – it’s a first that you won’t regret. I am looking forward to applying in 2022, no more staying indoors for me – happy to get my life back on track and enjoy the benefits that being a volunteer at Quotient gives me.

Ready to take part in a trial?
Apply today! Simply complete the online application form to become a volunteer.