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Cara, Nottingham

I can't wait to do more trials with Quotient Sciences!

Cara is a travel enthusiast and a clinical trials volunteer at Quotient Sciences

We’ve been traveling around the world, little steps at a time and Quotient Sciences has helped make this happen!

Hi, I'm Cara, full time mummy, self- employed teacher, and travel enthusiast.

Together with my son we have been exploring the planet regularly within the last two years and well, Quotient Sciences helped make that possible, here's why!

Three years ago I was all ready to head out for New Year's Eve, when my childcare plans back fired. I decided to make a plan, a plan to change my mind set and live happy. So going into the New Year, I created a budget to save money, sold my life luxuries, keeping only the necessities and applied for my first clinical trial.

So it didn't take long after applying, that I was invited for screening. If anything, at least this was a new year's full health MOT. I remember waiting for that call to confirm if I had been accepted, and hearing the words, everything is fine, you can come in for admission was a great feeling.

I don't know what I was expecting, hospital rules, hospital food, lots of bed rest but actually it was so much better than I expected. As a full time mummy, it was actually really nice to come to Quotient Sciences and have time to relax. Whether catching up with a TV series in bed, socialising or playing board games with other volunteers, Quotient Sciences has felt like a second home.

The food is great, so much so that I also seem to put on a little extra weight each time; my favourites are the pulled pork and fish pie. The staff are always friendly and it's nice when you participate every few months and they remember who you are. There are always so many volunteers that come from all walks of life, so it's a really good way to meet people and make new friends, not to mention you are actually doing something to help medical science and will benefit people in the future. So yeah, for me all the above are reasons for why I take part and of course the payment you receive plays a part in it too.

I've come to realise that money isn't everything in this world, but it certainly helps. Before Quotient Sciences, I was using a strict budget, working lots and giving up the luxuries in life to save money, so a top up payment from clinical trials definitely helps.

For me, I love to travel and spend everyday day with my son, seeing the world, escaping comfort zones, meeting people and embracing culture is what I spend the money on. Since my first study, we have visited 28 different countries in over three continents. We've swam with sharks and turtles on the Great Barrier Reef and stayed in a house on stilts in the Andaman Sea, Thailand. Seeing my son adapt to life on the road and try so many new things and still smile is one of the most rewarding things and we are so lucky to have had these opportunities.

I'm really lucky that I have a good network of friends and family who help out with childcare when I'm on a study. Although it does usually mean I have to apply for the more spread out trials, but two or three night stays soon fly by. I actually studied a teaching course whilst on my first trial after another volunteer recommended it, and now work from anywhere online.

I am actually planning to start a degree in English and Languages, so am looking forward to having down time whilst on my next clinical trial to do this.

I highly recommend Quotient Sciences' clinical trials to whatever your walk of life is, if you want to do something that will help someone in the future, earn some extra pennies or even just escape the pressures of life for a bit to meet new people, then this is a great opportunity for you. I can't wait for the next trial!

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