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Volunteer, UK

Being a part of the Quotient community is one of the best things I have done in life!

Marks blog

Being a part of the Quotient Community

Getting paid while saving the world!

So, everybody always asks ‘how did you get into clinical trials and testing medicines?’ For me, it happened years ago.

I was working in a pub in Sheffield, it’s where all the Sheffield United and Sheffield Wednesday players went for a drink, I was about 20 years old and I used to work with a few people serving behind the bar. I was talking to a new lad, he had been to America on holiday for a month and was telling me all about it - where he had been, what he had been up to.

I then casually said, ‘how can you afford to travel for so long if you’re just working here?!’ He told me he took part in a medical trial. My ears pricked up as I have never heard of it before.

He was telling me he had trialed new medicines or medicines that were already on the market but had a different brand name or new dosage - basically any medicine has to be tested through a rigorous clinic trial system. The great bit was not only are you doing a service to the medical industry, but you actually get paid for your time whilst you take part. This sounded right up my street, so I googled it.

It turns out the young lad was correct. There were a handful of clinics in the UK, but the one that stood out to me the most was Quotient Sciences as it was only a stone’s throw away from me. So I completed my online application form through the ‘We Need You’ website and answered a handful of lifestyle questions and pressed submit.

It wasn’t too long before I got a call from the Quotient team. We arranged for me to come down for an induction, this was a great chance for me to have a look around the clinic and ask the long list of questions I had. I arrived and was met by a really friendly team who instantly put me at ease,  all my questions were answered in full and the best thing was I wasn’t out of pocket as my travel was paid by allowance.

It was confirmed, I was a fit and healthy volunteer in the prime of my life as I later bragged to my friends. I was contacted about studies that I was eligible for and was more in demand than Elvis! I chose the study that suited my work schedule and I booked in for a screening.

I felt it was a full free valet, and it turns out I was a perfect specimen, still am at the age of 51! I have done many trials now, over a number of years and the rewards have been immense. Apart from helping medical science, I have been abroad many times with my payments, moved house 3 times and having the freedom and extra money has been amazing.

What has always surprised me was how straight forward it is to become a volunteer. However, what didn’t surprise me, but overwhelmed me, was the amazing the staff and how well they treat each volunteer from beginning to the end of the process. Whether it be a 2 week clinical trial or 35 days, nothing is ever too much for them. They really do their best to help make your experience at Quotient a great one.

If you don't mind staying away from home for a few days, then this is an amazing opportunity to help the world of science whilst benefitting your bank account. Being a part of the Quotient community is one of the best things I have done in life, apart from the kids of course. It’s given me so many opportunities and experiences, I am truly blessed and lucky to be a part of Quotient Sciences and improving the lives of others.

Ready to take part in a trial?
Apply today! Simply complete the online application form to become a volunteer.