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Scott, UK

23 years of volunteering… and counting

Man in gray sweater standing next to potted plant. Scott is a volunteer at Quotient Sciences.

Scott Preston has been volunteering with Quotient Sciences for 23 years.

My name is Scott Preston and I have been volunteering with Quotient Sciences for 23 years. 

I’ve participated in over 50 clinical trials to date. My journey with Quotient Sciences started in 1994, when I noticed a small advert, in the Nottingham Post newspaper, recruiting volunteers for clinical studies. I didn’t know anyone who participated in medical research but I was curious to find out more.

In the beginning, it was simply out of interest and a good way to earn some extra money. Back then Quotient Sciences, or Pharmaceutical Profiles as it was called at the time, was just two small units at Highfields Science Park. There was only one bed, one TV lounge, pizza delivery for dinner and no overnight studies conducted.

22 years later, Quotient Sciences operates out of purpose-built facilities including six wards, TV lounges with Xboxes, a DVD library, an impressive selection of books and much more.

Why I keep coming back?

Taking part in a clinical trial means you are doing your bit for science, contributing towards the development of future medicines. Besides that, it really is a great way to get some guilt-free time to relax, away from daily worries and speed of life. Walking through the doors at Quotient Sciences is like taking your feet of life’s escalator – and walking into a place where I feel totally at home.

I feel well looked after at Quotient Sciences, with staff always ready to assist. There are daily freshly cooked meals and a variety of entertainment including bingo and quiz sessions. It is like being on an all-inclusive holiday with some additional money in your pocket afterwards. And so, I frequently recommend taking part in clinical trials at Quotient Sciences to my friends and family. My typical day on a trial is pretty laidback and drug dosing is only a small part of it. I spend most of my time socialising, taking part in games or getting some valuable ‘me’ time which I never get the chance to have in the outside world. Over the years I have met a variety of interesting people including teachers, professors, vicars and entrepreneurs; and they all have had one thing in common – the drive to make a difference. Some of them have remained my friends and we still keep in touch, sharing our similar open-minded attitude to life.

I feel proud to be able to play a part in helping to advance medicine. I have a young family myself and if taking part in studies meant I might be able to help another generation, I am really proud to do so. During my 23 years on the panel I have done a range of clinical trials – some long, some short stay and a few radiation studies. Everyone participating on the trial always agrees that they can’t wait to do the next one. I have never met anyone who said they wouldn’t do another one – a great testament to the hard working staff at Quotient Sciences. Being a volunteer is something I hope to continue doing for many years to come. I live a healthy lifestyle and enjoy the social aspect that each trial brings. I have completed over 50 clinical trials over the years since I have been on the panel and hope to do another one when after my latest wash out period comes to an end.

Ready to take part in a trial?
Apply today! Simply complete the online application form to become a volunteer.